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Discover The Secrets and How To Stay Lean The Whole Year

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Who am I?

My name is Gerard and I've been working in the tech industry for the past 7 years,I got fat because of my sedentary life. But I changed.I'm not rich (yet) but I'm always curious to learn from success.For many, being rich is a goal. For me, being rich and fat is a failure.Health > Money

Get Some Fitspiration

The shredded and wealthy folks.These million-dollar moguls are crushing it both in business and in the gym.What's your excuse now?

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Who am I?

My name is Gerard and I've been working in the tech industry for the past 7 years in companies like Google. I now work for a company in SaaS for e-commerce industry.I'm not rich (yet) but I'm always curious to learn from success.For many, being rich is a goal. For me, being rich and fat is a failure.Health > Money

My Fitness Journey

First years of my career I spent long hours sitting in an office, every day.Sedentary lifestyle took a toll on my health and I got fat. I looked in the mirror and knew that I needed to make a change.I decided to** start working out.At first, I only exercised a couple of days a week, but gradually increased my workouts to 6-7 days a week.However, I soon realized that working out was only part of the equation to getting fit.Fat belly was there.I started focusing on my nutrition, like a lot.
With some diet changes (
more protein) and better food choices (less processed** and sugary foods), I was able to lose weight and achieve my goal of having a six-pack.Now, with the right habits and mindset, I maintain a lean physique throughout the year with ease.

Workout routine:

I've tried different types of training, from endurance to strength, and have settled on a hybrid athlete training program that combines running, CrossFit, and strength training.

Sample Weekly Workouts

This is how my week looks like. Still trying to find the perfect balance.

TuesdayEasy Run 7 miles
ThursdayLong slow run or Speed short run
FridayGym full body push
SundayGym full body pull or Rest


I first began being meticulous in counting every calorie and gram.Over time, I've developed a strong understanding of healthy eating habits and I **no longer count **calories. My typical meal is 150gr protein, 100gr carbs and veggies.I focus on eating real food, high in protein meat and vegetables, while minimizing processed foods and sugar.As an avid foodie, I do still allow myself the occasional cheat, but I listen to my body and adjust my food intake based on my level of physical activity.


This is what I take. Dosage depends on your weight and intensity. I'm 6'1" (187cm) and 182lbs (83kg)


Pre workout

Post workout recovery drink

I do keep Whey protein on hand, but I aim to consume it sparingly. I prefer to obtain my daily protein from meat and yoghurts, rather than relying on supplements.

How do I stay lean the whole year?

  • Conscious diet - Eat high-protein real food and avoid processed food

  • High-intensity training and heavy close-to-failure training

  • CrossFit - Camaraderie and high intensity guaranteed

What’s my fitness goal?

My primary objective is to** maintain a healthy and aesthetically pleasing physique **throughout the year.While I do challenge myself to lift heavier weights and strive for improvement in my fitness, my focus is not solely on performance.I understand that being the best is not the only measure of success, and instead, I prioritize my overall well-being and physical appearance.

Things I want to Improve

  • Eating better. I love to cheat meal and I know I need to reduce them

  • Mobility. I suck at mobility. I'm stiff as a boulder, can't bend to save my life!

  • Gymnastics movements. I can do muscle ups, but for 2023 the goal is to do 9 in a row

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A celebration of the first 1000 subscribers!Here, we commemorate the trailblazers who joined us from the very beginning and helped lay the foundation for what is sure to be an exciting journey.To our first 1000 subscribers, thank you.πŸ‘‡